FloodingThe National Weather Ser­vice has extended a Coastal Flood Advisory for our region until Sat­ur­day, Octo­ber 12th, at 6:00pm.  A per­sis­tent north­east coastal storm con­tin­ues to bring strong winds, heavy rain, and some minor coastal flood­ing at time of high tide to our com­mu­nity.  Any high tide event today and tomor­row may be aggra­vated by heavy rains that may fall in the region.  Con­tinue to mon­i­tor this weather sys­tem on tra­di­tional media out­lets.  Never attempt to drive through stand­ing water, and if you have any emer­gency, please dial 911.  Avalon Police con­tinue to close Ocean Drive towards the Townsend’s Inlet Bridge due to wave over­wash on the road­way.  If you have any out­door objects that are prone to high winds, bring them inside.  Avoid dri­ving in flood prone areas dur­ing time of high tide.

Here is the tide infor­ma­tion for Fri­day and Sat­ur­day.  At the Townsend’s Inlet Bridge, high tide will occur Fri­day at 1:42pm, and again on Sat­ur­day at 2:22am and 2:53am.  At Stone Harbor/Great Chan­nel, high tide will occur on Fri­day at 2:09pm, and again on Sat­ur­day at 2:49am and 3:20pm.

Here is the text of the Coastal Flood Advi­sory from the National Weather Ser­vice, along with an advi­sory about heavy rain along the Jer­sey Shore:

Coastal Flood Advi­sory now in effect until 6 PM EDT Saturday…

* coastal flood­ing… wide­spread minor coastal flood­ing is expected dur­ing the Fri­day after­noon high tide cycle. Any heavy rain that might occur near the time of high tide would enhance the flood­ing. The pro­longed onshore winds may also keep the back bays from drain­ing… allow­ing the minor flood­ing to per­sist longer. Another round of minor tidal flood­ing is expected dur­ing the Sat­ur­day after­noon high tide cycle, with the pos­si­ble excep­tion of north­ern coastal New Jer­sey where water lev­els may peak just below the minor flood mark.

* High surf with incom­ing east­erly swells of 6 to 9 feet will result in areas of beach erosion.

* Tim­ing… high tide along the New Jer­sey and Delaware ocean fronts occurs between 100 PM and 300 PM both Fri­day and Sat­ur­day. High tide on the back bays occurs later than the high tide along the ocean front. High tide on Sat­ur­day occurs

* impacts… wide­spread poor drainage and road­way flood­ing is fore­cast with the Fri­day after­noon and Sat­ur­day after­noon high tide.

* Out­look… given the pro­longed onshore flow… minor coastal flood­ing is pos­si­ble again on Sun­day afternoon.

* Seas… 6 to 10 feet on the ocean waters, and 2 to 6 feet on Delaware Bay.

Precautionary/preparedness actions…

A coastal Flood Advi­sory indi­cates that minor tidal flood­ing is antic­i­pated. Minor tidal flood­ing often results in some Road clo­sures. Usu­ally… the most vul­ner­a­ble road­ways will flood.

State­ment as of 5:08 AM EDT on Octo­ber 11, 2013

… Show­ers and iso­lated thun­der­storms with heavy rain will con­tinue to affect the Del­marva Penin­sula… Philadel­phia and the west­ern sub­urbs and the south­ern third of New Jersey…

an area of show­ers and iso­lated thun­der­storms with heavy rain cov­ered por­tions of Atlantic… Berks… Burling­ton… Cam­den… Cape May… Car­o­line… Cecil… Chester… Cum­ber­land… Delaware… Glouces­ter… Kent… Mont­gomery… New Cas­tle… Philadel­phia… Queen Anne’s… Salem… Sus­sex and Tal­bot coun­ties. The area was gen­er­ally mov­ing north­west at 25 mph.

Very heavy rain will fall from the stronger show­ers and iso­lated thun­der­storms. Some amounts could reach half an inch to inch within an hour as they move through. This will cause water to pond on roads and fill poor drainage areas. The rain can cause rapid rises on small streams and creeks and over­all will slow the morn­ing commute.



The National Weather Ser­vice has can­celled the Coastal Flood Warn­ing that had been in effect for the Jer­sey Shore through much of the day on Thurs­day, Octo­ber 10th.  The warn­ing has been replaced with a Coastal Flood Advi­sory that remains in effect through Fri­day, Octo­ber 11th, until 5:00pm.

A nor’easter weather sys­tem con­tin­ues to remain next to the south­ern New Jer­sey coast­line and will con­tinue to bring show­ers, rain, gusty winds, and minor coastal flood­ing to our region for the next 24 hours.  It is still pos­si­ble that dur­ing two high tide events on Fri­day that spotty to wide­spread minor coastal flood­ing may occur.  Please be advised that any heavy rain­fall dur­ing these high tide events may aggra­vate flood­ing con­di­tions in flood-prone areas.  Never attempt to drive your vehi­cle through any stand­ing water on local streets.  If you have any emer­gency, please call 911.

Rainy and windy weather will remain in our fore­cast for the next 48 hours.  Please be advised that Ocean Drive head­ing north towards the Townsend’s Inlet Bridge will con­tinue to be closed by local police due to wave over­wash onto the road­way.   Con­tinue to mon­i­tor tra­di­tional local media fore­casts for updated infor­ma­tion, and be sure to view ShoreTV Chan­nel 2 for updates as well.  It is pos­si­ble that the National Weather Ser­vice may extend the advi­sory into the begin­ning part of the weekend.

High tides: High tide is fore­cast at the Townsend’s Inlet Bridge between Avalon and Sea Isle City on Fri­day at 1:08am and 1:42pm. High tide is fore­cast at Stone Harbor/Great Chan­nel on Fri­day at 1:35am and 2:09pm.

Here is the text of the Coastal Flood Advi­sory posted by the National Weather Service:

Coastal Flood Advi­sory in effect until 5 PM EDT Fri­day… … Coastal Flood Warn­ing is cancelled…

The National Weather Ser­vice in Mount Holly has issued a coastal Flood Advi­sory… which is in effect until 5 PM EDT Fri­day. The coastal Flood Warn­ing has been cancelled.

* Loca­tion… the New Jer­sey coast.

* Coastal flood­ing… wide­spread minor tidal flood­ing will con­tinue through late this after­noon and is fore­cast with the Fri­day after­noon high tide. Any heavy rain that might occur near the time of high tide would con­tribute to the flooding.

* High surf with incom­ing east­erly swells of 6 to 9 feet will prob­a­bly result in beach erosion.

* Tim­ing… high tide has passed for today. High tide along the Delaware and New Jer­sey coasts occurs between 200 PM and 230 PM Fri­day. High tide on the back bays occurs later than the high tide along the ocean front.

* Impacts… wide­spread road­way flood­ing will con­tinue through late this after­noon and is fore­cast with the Fri­day after­noon high tide… with areas of heavy rain con­tribut­ing to the problem.

* Out­look… minor tidal flood­ing might also occur on Sat­ur­day and Sunday.

* Seas… wave heights on the ocean waters will be 6 to 10 feet. Wave heights on the Delaware Bay will be 3 to 6 feet.

Precautionary/preparedness actions…

A coastal Flood Advi­sory indi­cates that minor tidal flood­ing is antic­i­pated. Minor tidal flood­ing often results in some Road clo­sures. Usu­ally… the most vul­ner­a­ble road­ways will flood.

Do not leave your vehi­cle at a loca­tion that is prone to tidal flood­ing. Do not drive your vehi­cle through flood waters. The water may be deeper than you think it is. You will be putting your­self in dan­ger and your vehi­cle may be dam­aged… lead­ing to costly repairs.



FloodingThe National Weather Ser­vice has now issued a Coastal Flood Warn­ing for the Bor­ough of Stone Harbor and sur­round­ing com­mu­ni­ties.  The flood warn­ing is now in effect until 5:00pm on Thurs­day, Octo­ber 10th.  There is the lik­li­hood of wide­spread minor coastal flood­ing with the poten­tial for mod­er­ate coastal flood­ing in flood prone areas.  Res­i­dents who live in areas that typ­i­cally flood are advised to move their vehi­cles out of the street and away from flood prone areas.

A per­sis­tent coastal storm will con­tinue to bring gusty winds, rain, and coastal flood­ing to our region today.  The storm has caused some power out­ages in our com­mu­nity dur­ing the morn­ing hours and pond­ing of water in some streets has occured.  If the early after­noon high tide event coin­cides with heavy rain­fall, flood­ing issues could become aggra­vated.  Beach ero­sion has also been expe­ri­enced in some coastal communities.

One traf­fic note: The Avalon Police Depart­ment con­tin­ues to close Ocean Drive towards the Townsend’s Inlet Bridge due to wave over­wash onto the road­way. Please take an alter­nate route.

High tides: High tide is fore­cast at the Townsend’s Inlet Bridge between Avalon and Sea Isle City on Thurs­day at 12:37pm, and again on Fri­day at 1:08am and 1:42pm. High tide is fore­cast at Stone Harbor/Great Chan­nel on Thurs­day at 1:04pm, and again on Fri­day at 1:35am and 2:09pm. The Thurs­day mid­day high tide may bring the most severe flood­ing to our region dur­ing this coastal storm event.

Here is the text of the Coastal Flood Warn­ing issued by the National Weather Service:

Coastal Flood Warn­ing in effect until 5 PM EDT this afternoon…

The National Weather Ser­vice in Mount Holly has issued a coastal Flood Warn­ing… which is in effect until 5 PM EDT this after­noon. The coastal Flood Advi­sory is no longer in effect.

* Loca­tion… the south­ern New Jer­sey and Delaware coasts… as well as the lower Delaware Bay.

* Coastal flood­ing… mod­er­ate coastal flood­ing is antic­i­pated around this afternoon’s high tide.

* At Cape May, New Jer­sey (ocean­front), high tide occurs at 114 PM, with a fore­cast tide level of 7.5 to 8.0 feet above mean lower low water.

* High tide on the back bays and along the Delaware Bay occurs later than the high tide on the oceanfront.

* Seas… wave heights on the ocean waters will be 6 to 10 feet. Wave heights on the Delaware Bay will be 3 to 6 feet.

* Impacts… numer­ous road­ways will flood and minor to mod­er­ate prop­erty dam­age is pos­si­ble. The Tides and wave action will result in mod­er­ate beach ero­sion. Heavy rain may also fall around the time of high tide adding to the increase in water lev­els. A major­ity of the mod­er­ate flood­ing will take place in and along the Delaware Bay.

* Out­look… minor tidal flood­ing is also pos­si­ble dur­ing the sec­ond half of the day high tide cycle on Fri­day. Minor tidal flood­ing might also occur on Sat­ur­day and Sunday.

Precautionary/preparedness actions…

A coastal Flood Warn­ing indi­cates that mod­er­ate or major tidal flood­ing is immi­nent or occur­ring. Be pre­pared for ris­ing water lev­els and take appro­pri­ate action to pro­tect life and prop­erty. Fol­low the rec­om­men­da­tions of local emer­gency man­age­ment officials.

Do not drive your vehi­cle through flood waters. The water may be deeper than you think. You will be putting your­self in dan­ger and your vehi­cle may be dam­aged… lead­ing to costly repairs.



FloodingThe National Weather Ser­vice has posted a Coastal Flood Advi­sory for the Bor­ough of Stone Harbor and sur­round­ing com­mu­ni­ties.  The advi­sory is now in effect until Fri­day, Octo­ber 11th, at 5:00pm.  A coastal storm devel­oped overnight and came close to the coast­line of New Jer­sey.  Heavy rain fell dur­ing the overnight hours and caused some minor street flood­ing and scat­tered power out­ages through­out Cape May County.  The storm is still expected to bring rain, heavy at times, to our area through­out the day on Thurs­day.  If rain is falling heavy dur­ing time of high tide this after­noon, some wide­spread minor street flood­ing may occur.  Please exer­cise cau­tion while dri­ving over the next few days.  Never attempt to drive through pud­dles or stand­ing water.  If you have an emer­gency, please dial 911.  Strong winds may accom­pany this storm at times over the next few days.  If you have any loose objects out­side of your home, includ­ing trash cans, please secure them.

One traf­fic note:  The Avalon Police Depart­ment con­tin­ues to close Ocean Drive towards the Townsend’s Inlet Bridge due to wave over­wash onto the road­way.  Please take an alter­nate route.

High tides:  High tide is fore­cast at the Townsend’s Inlet Bridge between Avalon and Sea Isle City on Thurs­day at 12:37pm, and again on Fri­day at 1:08am and 1:42pm.  High tide is fore­cast at Stone Harbor/Great Chan­nel on Thurs­day at 1:04pm, and again on Fri­day at 1:35am and 2:09pm.  The Thurs­day mid­day high tide may bring the most severe flood­ing to our region dur­ing this coastal storm event.

Please pay atten­tion to tra­di­tional media out­lets through­out this storm.

Here is the text of the Coastal Flood Advi­sory issued by the National Weather Service:

Coastal Flood Advi­sory now in effect from 11 am this morn­ing to 5 PM EDT Friday…

* loca­tion… the New Jer­sey and Delaware coasts… as well as the lower Delaware Bay.

* Coastal flood­ing… wide­spread minor tidal flood­ing is fore­cast dur­ing the Thurs­day after­noon high tide cycle. There is still a small chance for pock­ets of mod­er­ate coastal flood­ing but the most likely out­come for Thurs­day after­noon is a minor event. Any heavy rain that might occur near the time of high tide would con­tribute to the flooding.

* High surf with incom­ing east­erly swells of 6 to 9 feet will prob­a­bly result in beach erosion.

* Tim­ing… high tide along the New Jer­sey and Delaware ocean front occurs between noon and 130 PM Thurs­day. High tide on the back bays and along Delaware Bay occurs later than the high tide along the ocean front.

* Impacts… wide­spread road­way flood­ing is fore­cast with the Thurs­day after­noon high tide… with areas of heavy rain con­tribut­ing to the problem.

* Out­look… minor tidal flood­ing is also pos­si­ble dur­ing the sec­ond half of the day high tide cycle on Fri­day. The coastal Flood Advi­sory has there­fore been extended through a good por­tion of Fri­day after­noon. Minor tidal flood­ing might also occur on Sat­ur­day and Sunday.

Precautionary/preparedness actions…

A coastal Flood Advi­sory indi­cates that minor tidal flood­ing is antic­i­pated. Minor tidal flood­ing often results in some Road clo­sures. Usu­ally… the most vul­ner­a­ble road­ways will flood.

Do not leave your vehi­cle at a loca­tion that is prone to tidal flood­ing. Do not drive your vehi­cle through flood waters. The water may be deeper than you think it is. You will be putting your­self in dan­ger and your vehi­cle may be dam­aged… lead­ing to costly repairs.



The National Weather Ser­vice has issued a Coastal Flood Advi­sory for Stone Harbor and sur­round­ing com­mu­ni­ties for Thurs­day, Octo­ber 10th, from 11:00am-4:00pm.  An approach­ing coastal storm is expected to bring wide­spread rain, strong gusty winds, and the poten­tial for minor coastal flood­ing dur­ing the day­time on Thurs­day and pos­si­bly through the week­end.  The storm is expected to sit along the east­ern seabaord for a few days which will bring wet weather con­di­tions to our region.

High tide at the Townsend’s Inlet Bridge between Avalon and Sea Isle City will take place on Thurs­day at 12:04am and again at 12:37pm. High tide at the Stone Harbor/Great Chan­nel will occur on Thurs­day at 12:31am and 1:04pm.  Never attempt to drive through stand­ing water.  If you have any emer­gency, please dial 911.

Here is the text of the advi­sory issued byt he National Weather Service:

Coastal Flood Advi­sory in effect from 11 am to 4 PM EDT Thursday…

The National Weather Ser­vice in Mount Holly has issued a coastal Flood Advi­sory… which is in effect from 11 am to 4 PM EDT Thurs­day. The coastal Flood Watch is no longer in effect.

* Loca­tion… the Atlantic coast from Ocean County New Jer­sey includ­ing Barnegat Bay south­ward… inclu­sive of the remain­ing south­ern New Jer­sey coast and the Delaware coast as well as coastal loca­tions adja­cent the lower por­tion of Delaware Bay.

* Coastal flood­ing… wide­spread minor tidal flood­ing is fore­cast dur­ing the Thurs­day after­noon high tide cycle. There is still a small chance for pock­ets of mod­er­ate coastal flood­ing but the most likely out­come for Thurs­day after­noon is a minor event. If heavy rain occurs near the time of high tide… it would con­tribute to the flooding.

* High surf with incom­ing east­erly swells of 6 to 9 feet will prob­a­bly result in beach erosion.

* Tim­ing… high tide along the New Jer­sey and Delaware ocean front occurs between noon and 130 PM Thurs­day. High tide on the back bays and along Delaware Bay occurs later than the high tide along the ocean front.

* Impacts… while there were reports of some local­ized road­way flood­ing today… more wide­spread road­way flood­ing is fore­cast Thurs­day after­noon… in part aided by areas of heavy rain.

* Out­look… minor tidal flood­ing is also pos­si­ble dur­ing the sec­ond half of the day high tide cycle on Fri­day and might also occur on Sat­ur­day and Sunday.

Precautionary/preparedness actions…

A coastal Flood Advi­sory indi­cates that minor tidal flood­ing is antic­i­pated. Minor tidal flood­ing often results in some Road clo­sures. Usu­ally… the most vul­ner­a­ble road­ways will flood.

Do not leave your vehi­cle at a loca­tion that is prone to tidal flood­ing. Do not drive your vehi­cle through flood waters. The water may be deeper than you think it is. You will be putting your­self in dan­ger and your vehi­cle may be dam­aged… lead­ing to costly repairs.



FloodingThe National Weather Service has posted a Coastal Flood Advisory for the Borough of Stone Harbor and surrounding communities on Wednesday, October 9th from 10:00am until 3:00pm.  The Service has also posted a Coastal Flood Watch for Avalon from Thursday morning through Thursday afternoon.

A low pressure system that contains some of the remnants of Tropical Storm Karen continues to move up the eastern seaboard today.  It is possible that this low pressure system could stall near or along the New Jersey coastline beginning late in the day Thursday and bring some showers, heavier rain, and strong gusty winds along local beaches.  It is possible that this weather system could impact our region for the next several days.  Winds are expected to be out of the northeast over the next several days with stronger wind possibilities starting on Thursday.   Spotty minor coastal flooding is expected at time of high tide on Wednesday; more widespread minor coastal flooding is expected during high tide on Thursday.

High tide at the Townsend’s Inlet Bridge between Avalon and Sea Isle City will take place on Wednesday at 11:39am; on Thursday, high tide will be at 12:04am and again at 12:37pm.  High tide at the Stone Harbor/Great Channel will occur Wednesday at 12:06pm, and again on Thursday at 12:31am and 1:04pm

Here is the text of the advisory and watch issued by the National Weather Service:

Coastal Flood Advisory remains in effect from 10 am this morning to 3 PM EDT this afternoon… … Coastal Flood Watch in effect from Thursday morning through Thursday afternoon…

The National Weather Service in Mount Holly has issued a coastal Flood Watch… which is in effect from Thursday morning through Thursday afternoon.

* Location… the Atlantic coasts of southern New Jersey and  Delaware as well as in Delaware Bay.

* Coastal flooding… minor tidal flooding is anticipated with the  daytime high tide cycle today and widespread minor tidal  flooding with areas of moderate tidal flooding are possible with  the daytime high tide cycle on Thursday. Beach erosion is also  likely.   * Timing… high tide along the New Jersey and Delaware ocean front occurs between 11 am and 1230 PM today. High tide on the back bays and along Delaware Bay occurs later than the high tide along the ocean front.

* At Atlantic City, New Jersey (oceanfront), the high tide on  Thursday occurs at 1203 PM with a forecast tide level near 7.0  feet above mean lower low water.

* At Cape May, New Jersey (oceanfront), the high tide on Thursday  occurs at 1237 PM with a forecast tide level of 7.5 to 8.0 feet  above mean lower low water.

* Seas… 8 to 12 feet on the ocean and 2 to 7 feet on Delaware Bay.

* Impacts… localized roadway flooding is anticipated today… with  more widespread roadway flooding on Thursday. Ongoing rain will  exacerbate the flooding. Beach erosion is likely.

* Outlook… additional minor tidal flooding is possible during the  second half of the day high tide cycle on Friday and might also  occur on Saturday and Sunday. Also some minor tidal flooding  could occur starting Thursday along coastal Monmouth and  Middlesex counties.   Precautionary/preparedness actions…

A coastal Flood Watch indicates that moderate tidal flooding is possible. Be prepared for rising water levels and use today to make the necessary preparations to protect life and property.

A coastal Flood Advisory indicates that minor tidal flooding is anticipated. Minor tidal flooding often results in some Road closures. Usually… the most vulnerable roadways will flood.

Do not leave your vehicle at a location that is prone to tidal flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flood waters. The water may be deeper than you think it is. You will be putting yourself in danger and your vehicle may be damaged… leading to costly repairs.



Tornado WatchThe National Weather Service has issued a Tornado Watch for Stone Harbor and Cape May County on Monday, October 7th, until 5:00pm.   The watch means that conditions will be favorable for a storm with rotation to develop.

A cold front is pushing across eastern Pennsylvania at 9:15am on Monday.  The front will bring some showers, gusty winds, and the potential for heavy rain and thunderstorms.  As the front gets closer it’s possible a tornado could develop along the cold front.  When you see skies darken, seek shelter immediately.  It is possible some minor street flooding could take place during the arrival of this frontal system.

If you have any any emergency, please dial 9-1-1.  Please pay attention to traditional media outlets throughout the day, and this website, for weather updates.

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